Change log: - Checksum 0525h- Fixed VA1000‘s driver Ver 10.3C/1.03B compatibility issue. - Fixes a(genius tvgo a12 driver a) phenomenon in which the EF Cinema lens' F number was incorrectly displayed. - Email Notifications] Fixed a bug where the contents of daily report emails did not display properly. - Fixed(genius tvgo a12 driver Fixed) system no Video screen when ATi 8500 All in Wonder VGA card installed. - Fixed(genius tvgo a12 driver Fixed) ATi 9700/9500 AGP card S3 resume issue. - Fixed PPTP, L2TP, PPPoe Auto Reconnect. - Fixed Traffic Monitor related issues when used 3G/4G dongle as WAN.- Fixed Quick Internet Setup Firefox browser compatibility related issues. - Fixed the issue sometimes few cameras will stop uploading alarm images to FTP after several hours;2). - Fixed bug of "Test the(genius tvgo a12 driver the) FTP server DNS-340L was added by motion detection setup wizard is error." 31. - Fixed throughput issue when VPN server broadcast is enabled.
Users content: - Updated DDNS screen and request. RGB Share is now integrated into CUE! You will find the new icon in the profile dropdown menu. The Epson Status Monitor 3, with improved ink monitoring, is incorporated into this driver. The system is designed with high expansion capability. When the call park slot is configured on button 31 and 32 of the sidecar, the SPA525G2 phone becomes unresponsive. The BACS "network test" is grayed out for Vista 32/64 bit due to Vista firewall limitations. PREREQUISITES: None It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available. If manufacturer defined CPU Vcore is not equal to user defined Vcore, a warning message will pop up. Improved Overall Stability. - The phone becomes unresponsive while performing an LDAP directory search in Broadsoft Environment. DOWNLOAD EZONIC CAM IV DRIVER
Supported OS: Windows 7 Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Windows 10 Windows 7 64-bit Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows Server 2003 64-bit Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2003 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Windows XP 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows XP 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Windows Vista 32-bit Windows 2000 Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Windows 8 Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Windows 7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit
Searches: genius tvgo a12 driver for Windows XP 32-bit; genius tvgo a12 D97w; genius tvgo a12 driver for Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit); genius tvgo a12 driver for Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit; genius tvgo a12 Dwt978-wtd; genius tvgo a12 DMEBV9784; genius tvgo a12 DM9784; genius tvgo a12 driver for Windows 10; genius tvgo a12 D DM978-9; genius tvgo a12 driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit); genius tvgo a12 driver
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: ef0e8ca1a950ff58112e98748983f6e8 SHA1: c3d731f1d953254e49e0f6fa2609e386e66df50b SHA-256: 27e7f6c05cb48b53c6eda1e27234752f8e4915ede78a17b21f93e2c9ea30a680
mohaktiggy Admin replied
256 weeks ago